External Affairs, Inc.

What We Do

No other firm has better access to, an understanding of, or an ability to deploy voter data on behalf of your cause or candidate. We have a comprehensive dataset for all 186,775,224 registered voters in 111,195,511 households in the United States. 


We can help you research their preferences through survey research, shape their point of view through social media, persuade them to support you through paid and volunteer phone operations, connect to them through door-to-door canvassing, turn them out to vote through intensive, multi-platform GOTV operations, and make sure they show up at the polls using syncornized strikelist technologies. 

External Affairs Poll Cited in Colorado Election

"[External Affairs] poll in September showed former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo as the clear leader among the Republican pack. He obtained 22 percent support. Stapleton scored 8.5 percent, and Attorney General Cynthia Coffman registered at 6 percent. Businessman and former one-term State Representative Victor Mitchell received 1 percent. Businessman Doug Robinson, the nephew of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, received 0.3 percent."
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External Affairs President Cited in Politico

 President Matt Braynard has been featured in a prominent Politico article on "The Great Meme War" of 2016. 

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